Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Weird CNS issues...

Well, my friend J has issues with bupropion, and I have issues with pseudoephedrine. I have felt jittery off and on since starting this anti-depressant cycle. Turns out those things have a lot to do with whether or not I'm taking an expectorant/decongestant called Entex. You see, Entex has pseudoephedrine in it, as does Drixoral an antihistamine/decongestant that Mom no longer lets me take since I'm totally whacked when I'm on it - angry one minute, crying the next, totally paranoid all the way through. So, I'm calling the pharmacy and the MD tomorrow to have them put on their records that they have to notify me if it has PSE in it. This is why I haven't been able to hold a thought in my head for the majority of the past week! And, the sad part is that now I know that I thought of it several times, but the thought escaped before I could really do anything about it. So, I just kept getting up every morning and taking my pills. I feel like a total goof. It actually came out today when I went to Mom's office to have a little closed-door meeting with her (since she's always strung out by the time she gets home). She's like, "Are you still taking the chlortrimeton?" I'm like, "Yeah, but I've never had a problem with it. It doesn't even make me sleepy." And, that's when it occured to me that I'd gone back on the Entex because I felt another sinus episode coming on. Oy vey! So basically I've been a bitch and a half all week for like no apparent reason other than my own stupidity.


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