Saturday, May 20, 2006

Third day off the pills...

Well, the second day off the pills was a nightmare, as I'm sure was evident from my posts yesterday. I had more mood swings than a menopausal woman, more than I've ever had with my PMDD. It was a nightmare. I spent most of the day feeling rejected - not that that's anything new for me. But yesterday was particularly bad.

Today I just feel sluggish, like I'm in the cone of silence. Not a good feeling. I hate this feeling. I can't even write well. Everything is just difficult, overwhelming. I hate that! I hate feeling like the littlest things can set me off. I hate feeling like I can't talk to anyone. Primo Levi said something like if you cut off his ability to communicate with others it was like death to him. That's how I feel when I'm depressed.

Anyhow, hoping the day will get better. It looks like rain.


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