Monday, May 22, 2006

Wellbutrin, day 2

Well, today was better - actually got a few things finished. I bought groceries and helped my uncle rip out the ruined carpet in the bathroom and bedroom. Mostly I just held the door. We're about halfway finished now, but the concrete is drying out nicely. Everything was soaked. Who knows how long that pipe had been leaking?!? A lot of the stuff is Daddy's and just needs to be trashed, but it's difficult. I haven't been as moody today. Still a bit dizzy, but I think that's the antibiotics. A bit more volatile than usual still, but not nearly as bad as it has been in the past with medication switches. Got teary a few times. I think the hormones in my BCPs are helpful too. With that evened out, I'm much less likely to get really ticked off at anyone. LOL. Anyhow, still up and down, but better. Today is the 15th anniversary of my Dad's death. I wish I didn't remember these things sometimes. I really do.


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